8 Aug 2015 program

The Subject to Change band

Scout House Reel (Ted Sannella, 15 Apr. 1979)


A1. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn alone, ret, bend line
A2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) W ch
B1. ( 8) W dsd 1 1/2
( 8) N sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1s sw, end facing dn

Circle of Friends (Steve Zakon-Anderson)

Circle mixer

A1. ( 8) W fwd & bk
( 8) M fwd, turn around ret to alamo ring (M face out, lf hd to P)
A2. ( 8) Bal ring, P almd lf
( 8) Corners dsd
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Promenade, W roll back over rt sh
( 8) New P promenade

The Belles of Auburn (Roger Knox, 1958)


A1. (16) N sashay down and back
A2. (16) N bal & sw, end facing dn
B1. (16) 4-in-line dn hall, turn as cpls, ret, bend
B2. (16) W ch over and bk

Simplicity Swing (Becky Hill)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 6) Cir lf 3/4
(10) P sw
B1. ( 8) long lines fwd & bk
( 8) W ch
B2. ( 8) star lf
( 8) new N dsd

Barbarella (Tom Thoreau)


A1. (16) Bal ring / Petronella twirl (2×)
A2. (16) Bal ring / Petronella twirl (2×)
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Pass thru (across), CA twirl
( 8) Cir lf 1/2, slide lf one cpl

Dancing Bear (Becky Hill)


A1. ( 8) N almd rt 1/2, change hands, almd lf 1x
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) Star lf


Black Mountain Reel (Tom Hinds)


A1. ( 8) N dsd
( 8) Cir lf 3/4, pass through (across)
A2. (16) P sw
B1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) W ch
B2. (16) Hey (W pass rt sh)

The Lakewood Six (Becky Hill)


A1. ( 8) Hands across star lf
( 8) W almd lf 1 1/2
A2. (16) N bal & sw
B1. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4
( 8) P sw
B2. ( 8) Promenade across
( 8) Left diag rt & lf thru

Flirtation Reel (Tony Parkes)

Improper, start 4-in-line w/ 1s in center

A1. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn alone, ret, face N
A2. (16) Hey (N pass rt sh)
B1. (16) N gypsy & sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1s sw, end facing down

Solstice Special (Tony Parkes, SoS)


A1. ( 8) N dsd
( 8) N sw
A2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
B1. (16) P gypsy & sw
B2. ( 8) Promenade across
( 8) Cir lf 3/4, pass through to next

Giant Robot Dance (Linda Leslie)

becket, double prog

A1. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4, pass through
( 8) New N dsd
A2. (16) With that N, bal & sw
B1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) with next N, sw
B2. (16) P give-and-take (on M side)

Delphiniums & Daisies (Tanya Rotenberg)


A1. ( 8) N almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4
( 8) N almd rt 1 1/2

Note: The original version of the dance does not have the P balance in B1.